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In an extraordinary turn of events following last night’s drone attack at the Binyamina army base, one soldier’s life was spared in what can only be described as a miracle. The soldier, amidst the chaos of the explosion and the resulting injuries, had no idea just how close he came to a far more devastating fate.

It wasn’t until he arrived at the Emergency Department of Laniado Hospital that the unbelievable truth came to light. As medical personnel prepared to assess his condition, the soldier casually removed his kippa only to discover something shocking. Embedded in the fabric of his kippa was a piece of shrapnel from the drone, the very fragments that had caused other injuries around him.

“Something hard is stuck in my kippa”

The soldier’s reaction was one of disbelief. “Something hard is stuck in my kippa,” he told the doctors, only now realising just how close he had come to serious harm. Miraculously, despite the force of the explosion and the deadly trajectory of the shrapnel, the metal fragment had lodged into the kippa without so much as grazing his skin.

The shrapnel, which could have easily inflicted a life-threatening injury, had not even scratched him. His kippa a simple, everyday symbol of faith—had become an unintentional shield, saving him from potential disaster.

For the medical staff and those who witnessed the event, it was nothing short of awe-inspiring. In the face of violence and destruction, the soldier walked away virtually unscathed, carrying a story that defies logic and speaks to the fragility of life.

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